The Inter Faculty Drama Competition Manushi on "Towards a Gender Equal Society" organized by the Centre for Women's Studies and Development, BHU, Vararnasi in collaboration with MASVAW (Men's Action for Stopping Violence Against Women). It was held on 28th February 2011 at Centre for Women's Studies and Development auditorium. The main objective of the program was to create an environment of discussion on gender and related issue in university campus. In total nine dramas were presented from different faculties and college. Many renowned activists like Subhash medhapurkar from Himanchal, Dr. sanjay from MGKVP Varanasi and the professor/lecturer of BHU were present to promote the participants and to distribute the prizes. Here is one small play which gives the reflection of program.
go to the link for video link-
go to the link for video link-
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